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Cold Cases

Law enforcement agencies may be forced to allow a case to go cold for a variety of reasons, but in short it normally comes down to a lack of readily available leads to follow, and manpower.  Police departments are a free service to the tax payers, and as such are charged with investigating every crime in their jurisdiction.  That places an immense load on the case detectives, who must opt to clear ten, twenty, or even hundreds of cases from their desk in the time it would take to continue looking for leads on a single cold case. 

Private investigators on the other hand are able to pick and choose our cases.  When we accept a cold case, it becomes our case, it becomes a top priority, and it may well be the investigator’s only case at that time.  This is a luxury that the police departments simply can’t offer. 

Our Cold Case Team consists of seasoned former law enforcement officers who have the resources, and experience to help resolve your cold case.  If you’re still waiting for closure on a case that has gone cold, contact us to discuss your options.  Whether you’re looking to assign a full cold case team to work the case 24/7 until the case is solved, or just looking to make sure someone is doing something to make sure your case is being worked every single day, we can work with you.

To speak with an investigator regarding a cold case, contact our offices today at 972-617-9210.  There is no charge for the consultation, and all matters are held completely confidential.